A list of projects that I have worked on in the past. The projects displayed include personal and university assignments that have been polished.
In accordance with the university policy, all repositories containing university courseworks are set private until *July 28th*
Social network for education
A social network designed for education and sharing learning material. It includes a powerful post editor, realtime communication tools and a simple recommendation system. This was my *final year project* at Swansea University.
TypeScript Next.js React Python Node.js MongoDB
Rats Game
A clone of the game Rats! by Sean O'Connor that was released in 1996. The premise of the game is to kill all the rats using items before they reproduce and over run the maze. This was a group coursework and was developed by *me and 6 other students*.
Announcement Manager
A web application to manage announcements between managers and employees. Managers can manage and announcements in their organisation and employees can view and interact with the announcements.
PHP Laravel TailwindCSS MySQL
Mobile Museum Companion
A companion app for museums where people can select the museum that they physically and learn about the different artefacts available. Users can suggest new artefacts and curators (admins) can approve or deny the submissions.
Kotlin Android Firebase
Portfolio website
A website to showcase my work outline my skills and details about me. The website additionally provides links for ways to get in touch with me. *This is the website you are viewing currently*
Astro TypeScript Sass