My name is Moorad Altamimi and I’m a *full-stack web* developer. I’m currently a Computer Science undergraduate student but I do web development in my free time.
What am I doing currently and what important events occurred in the past
2019-2023 (Current)
BsC at Swansea University
Swansea University has taught me a lot of important skills that are valuable in the workplace and in everyday life. This includes team work, communication, academic writing, research and how to self-learn.
GCSE at Pentrehafod
Doing secondary school (high school) in the United Kingdom at Pentrehafod has tremendously improved the level of my English language as well as provide a concrete understanding of various general subject through the GCSE curriculum.
What am I doing currently and what important events occurred in the past
Web technologies and languages
Experienced with modern web technologies such as JavaScript and React. Such technologies allow for scalable web applications to be quickly and run smoothly.
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript TypeScript Node.js React
Other programming languages
Familiar with other languages and frameworks like Android development with Kotlin, full-stack web applications with Laravel and PHP, and building general-purpose software using Java, C/C++, or Python.
PHP Laravel Python Java C / C++ Haskell
Have used MongoDB and SQL databases in many projects. Additionally, have performed normalisation on SQL databases.
MongoDB MySQL Firebase
API architecture
Can design and implement API architecture using traditional methods like REST and using modern, specialised architecture like GraphQL
Other software
Can use software that is commonly paired with software development including git for version control, figma for design mock-ups and Linux and docker for enhanced development and deployment experience
Figma Linux / Bash Docker Git